Take & Make Craft Bags 12/9/2020

You may call the library to request books, DVDs, and/or magazines. Please leave a message.  Or place holds online with your library card at:  https://merlin.nwls.lib.wi.us/search.  You will receive a notice when they are ready for pickup. We’ve added hours for Curbside Pickup though the end of the year on Fridays.  Please note the hours for Curbside Pickup are Monday-Thursday, Noon to 6 PM; Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM and Saturday, 9 AM to Noon.  Our wi-fi is available 24/7 from the parking lot.
December ‘Take & Make’ craft bags have quickly disappeared.  We’ll be making a some more this week.  Call and let us know of your interest in a craft bag and we will reserve one for you and your family.  We’re happy to add books of your choice or we can surprise you.  Call the library at 715-274-8331 to set up a Curbside Pickup.

The Library Board of Trustees will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 15th at 5:30 PM via BlueJeans. The online link to attend is:  https://bluejeans.com/7152748331/?src=htmlEmail.  You may call in at these numbers – long distance charges may apply depending on your long distance plan:  1-408-419-1715 or 1-408-915-6290.  The meeting ID is:  7152748331#.