New Large Print Books, Thanks to the Mellen Lions & Lioness 11/18/2020

Thank you!  The library received a gift from the Mellen Lions Club and the Mellen Lioness Club this year.  The following large print titles were purchased with their donations:  The Wonder Boy of Whistle Stop by Fannie Flagg, A Time for Mercy by John Grisham, The Sentinel by Lee Child, The Farm Stand by Amy Clipston, The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett, and The Big Finish by Brooke Fossey.  An additional non-fiction title was also purchased, Introduction to Teaching with Zoom by Madison Salters.  Thank you to these wonderful organizations for your gifts to the library and for all you do for our community all year round!
Pickup a ‘Take & Make’ craft bag for your family.  Inside you’ll find construction paper with leaf designs for you to cut out and a piece of string to make a Thanksgiving garland.  Write what you’re thankful for on each of 10 leaves as a countdown to Thanksgiving.
You may request a theme bag be put together.  Call and let us know what interests you, we’ll pull from our shelves and set up a Curbside Pickup time for you.  Curbside is now available from noon to 6 PM, Monday through Thursday, from 9 AM to 5 PM on Friday & 9 AM to Noon on Saturday.  Call 715-274-8331 to make a request and/or pickup appointments.
To see what’s available at Legion Memorial Library, use the Merlin Catalog, and select the Mellen library specifically.  Then you’ll be able to see what’s available from our library.  Or leave at “View All Merlin Items” and your requests will be filled as soon as possible by one of our NWLS libraries.  You may call and have the library staff do a search for you and pull from our shelves.  We’ll check the books out to you and set up a pickup time.  Books are checked out for 3 weeks and may then be returned to the outdoor book drop.  The library staff is also happy to take calls and placing holds for you.
The Library Board of Trustees will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 24th at 5:30 PM via BlueJeans. The online link to attend is:  You may call in at these numbers – long distance charges may apply depending on your long distance plan:  1-408-419-1715 or 1-408-915-6290.  The meeting ID is:  7152748331#.