New Curbside Pickup Hours 10/14/2020
Curbside will now be available from noon to 6 PM, Monday through Thursday and from 9 AM to noon on Friday & Saturday. Call 715-274-8331 to make a request and pickup appointments. Or place your holds online using your library card from:
Surprise grab bags for kids are available again. Call and let us know if you’d like one for your family. We’ll check the books out to you and set up a pickup time. Books are checked out for 3 weeks and may then be returned to the outdoor book drop. Or you may request a theme bag be put together. For example, a bag of books by your child’s favorite author or character, like “Pete the Cat” or a bag of “Autumn” books.
Check out this online resource in BadgerLink: WNA, Archieve of Wisconsin Newspapers. This resource has full text daily and weekly newspapers from 2005 to 90 days ago. It also has 13 historical newspapers from the 1800s and 1900s. You may find BadgerLink from the Legion Memorial Website: under the “Digital Library” tab. Click “BadgerLink”. Once in BadgerLink you may watch a video clip explaining what this resource has available. To find “Archieve of Wisconsin Newspapers” click the “Find All Resources” tab. They are listed alphabetically.