Memorial Day, 5/26/2021

The library will be closed next Monday, May 31st for Memorial Day.  Thank you to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. Let’s take time this Memorial Day to remember, count our blessings, and share our gratitude.
Legion Memorial Library was given a donation in memory of Lorraine Tobisch by Bruce and Mary Jane Sawicki.  The library purchased the following books in her memory: “Growing Heirloom Flowers” by Chris McLaughlin (on backorder); “The New Heirloom Garden” by Ellen Ecker Ogden; “Hand Sewing” by Becky Goldsmith; “Sunday Dinner at Grandma’s” by Goooseberry Patch; and “The Moonlight School” by Suzanne Woods Fisher.
The Library was given a donation in memory of Helen McClaire by Judy Goeckermann.  “Easy Crochet Dishcloths” by Camilla Rasmussen and a children’s book, “The Poppy Lady” by Barbara Elizabeth Walsh were purchased.
Thank you so much for your memorial gifts. Through them, we were able to add a number of beautiful books to our collection for our community to checkout and enjoy.
Join us in celebrating, Worldwide Knit in Public Day on Saturday, June 12th from 10 am to Noon.  Bring your current project, lawn/camp chair, beverage & snack and join in the fun.  We’ll set up on the lawn near the lower parking lot.  In case of rain the event will be cancelled.