May 20 – Curbside Pickup Available
Hello! Curbside Pickup service is on Monday & Thursday from 1 PM to 5 PM. You may checkout books owned by the Mellen Library by placing Requests/Hold using your library card when searching the Merlin Online Catalog found on our Library website: If you do not have an online connection, you may call the library at 715-274-8331 to place a Request/Hold. Leave a message on the answering machine and share the title & author or the subject area you would like us to locate for you to borrow and your phone number.
Once you have placed a hold online or phoned a request in, you will receive a phone call to schedule an appointment to pickup your items when they’re ready. Your library books, etc. will be in a bag or box with a note attached, which will include your bag/box number, initials, and scheduled time of pickup.
Please share if you would like books, but are unable to visit the library for Curbside Pickup during these hours; also share if these hours work for you. You may let me know via a phone call, 715-274-8331 or email, [email protected]. Thank you for your help in making adjustments or continuing to offer this service as is.
The Library Board of Trustees will meet next Tuesday, May 26th at 5:30 PM. With a Policy Committee meeting prior to the start of the Board meeting at 4:30 PM. This will be an online meeting. The online link for the May Library Board of Trustees’ meeting is: You may call in at these numbers – long distance charges may apply depending on your long distance plan: 1-408-419-1715 or 1-408-915-6290. The meeting ID is: 7152748331#
The daffodils are still blooming! Peace & Health. Jennie