Mellen Winner of NWLS Drawing!
The NWLN Library Lovers’ Month drawing for a $50 Visa gift card was won by Mellen patron Darcie Lehmann! There were 154 entries. Thank you one and all who shared their ‘library love story’ with us. All paper entries shared here in Mellen were included with the electronic entries for this February drawing for all 29 of the Northern Waters Library Network libraries. Of those Mellen paper patron entries, one was drawn here for a box of Gabriele’s German Cookies & Chocolates and Starr Thewis was the winner. The beautiful messages shared in these stories are treasures that I will pass along in the next few weeks as part of our library news.
Stop by the Little Free Library at Gilman Park if you’re in need of something to read and find the library closed. Our Friend Betty White keeps it well stocked.
We continue with our library weeding project. This process is necessary so that we can make more room on our shelves for new materials. Our library’s large print collection is expanding and needs space to grow. Those weeded books are added to our book sale. In addition to books, it includes DVDs and books on CD. Fill a bag for $1.
Asahi Nordic Exercise continues through March on Wednesday afternoons at 4pm. Come join us for this routine of gentle stretching, balance, and wellness training.
The Morning Book Club will meet on Tuesday, March 19th at 9am to discuss, “The Paris Library” by Janet Skeslien Charles.
There are still a few spots for our acrylic paint night on Thursday, March 21st at 6pm. We will follow along with The Art Sherpa, Cinnamon Cooney, to paint “Baby Bunny in Clover”. Stop by the library to register and receive a supply list.
We have Spring & Easter books on display along with a cute bunny craft for the month of March. Stop by and see what interests you.