June 12 – “A Universe of Stories”
Week Two of Summer Reading at the Library . . . A Universe of Stories: Registered and Reading Points earned – 5th Grade & Under, 26 kids with 33 points; Teens, 6 with 30 points; and amazingly enough . . . the Adults are way, way, way ahead! 25 adults with 347 reading points! For each 50 reading points earned, you may enter your name in a drawing for a $50 prize from the Friends of the Library . . . That’s 1, $50 winner per age bracket.
This week Drop-In and help us complete the “Stick Together” picture and guess the “What Is It?” For the kids we have space magnets to color in. On Thursday evening at 6 PM we’ll begin our weekly program by reading the book, “Stardust” by Jeanne Willis & illustrated by Briony May Smith. Then move on to paint a flag sky, just in time to display for Friday’s Flag Day. Then you are welcome to stay and enjoy the movie Capture the Flag. It is rated PG and lasts 97 minutes. You may bring your own comfy camp chair, beverage, and snacks. The library will provide popcorn.
The last day for Bellringer Run t-shirt sponsorships is Friday, June 14th – FLAG DAY! Thank you one and all for your support of this year’s Bellringer Run.
Registration forms for the Bellringer may be picked up at the library, emailed to you – send a request to [email protected], or online from the website, www.mellenbellringer.org. The last day to register and receive a t-shirt is Monday, June 24th.
The Friends of the Library’s Annual Frog Jump will take place on July 3rd at 6:30 PM at Gilman Park.
Hope to see you soon at the library!