Indoor Library Visits 4/26/2021

The Library will open to indoor browsing visits on Monday, May 3rd.  Indoor visits will be Monday-Thursday, 12:30-5:30 pm and Friday & Saturday, 9:30-11:30 am.
We ask, with great respect for all, that when visiting the library:
  • A mask is worn
  • Browsing and checkouts are prompt
  • Six-foot distancing practiced
  • Returns are placed in the outdoor Book Drop
  • Computer time is 30 minutes per person a day
  • 5 will be the total number of visitors and staff inside at one time
Please note:  The library staff is unable to uphold recommended cleaning standards in shared spaces.  Shared spaces include:  The front door, lobby which includes a water fountain/bubbler-not available, and bathroom facilities.

Curbside Pickup will continue to be available: Monday-Thursday, Noon-6 pm and Friday & Saturday, 9 am-Noon.