Happy First Day Back to School! 9/1/2021
We wish all heading back to school the very best in the 2021-22 school year! Back to school and Autumn books are on display at the library. Stop to browse and see what’s new on the shelf.
Autumn kids craft projects are available. Stop by the library check out three books and take home a craft. The first craft is a cute owl with maple leaf wings. The library is open Monday-Thursday, 10 am to 5:45 pm and Friday & Saturday, 9 am to 11:45 am.
Thank you to those who participated in our Summer Reading Bingo Challenge! We’ll be drawing for four $50 winners on the 1st and announce their names in next week’s article.
The Friends of the Library’s Quilt Raffle will be held on Saturday, September 25th. Raffle tickets are available for $1 from the library. The grand prize quilt, “Pinwheels & Whirligigs” made by Carol Noth is on display. A nice variety of additional prizes have been arriving at the library. Thank you for your donations and for buying raffle tickets.
Anyone interested in knitting or crocheting for a community cause? Share your thoughts and ideas and we’ll get started next month. Some past projects include chemo caps, lap blankets, newborn hats, sweaters, prayer shawls, and angel blankets.
The Library will be closed Monday, September 6th for Labor Day.