Handmade Gifts for the Holiday Season

Knitting in Pink & Purple

Knitting in Pink & Purple

If you’re thinking about handmade gifts for the coming holiday season stop by the library and browse our DIY sections. Woodworking, sewing, knitting, paper crafts, plus many more books on a variety of DIY projects are available. Make a project with help from a book or page through books to get some ideas. Happy crafting.

Start your reading patch collection this week. Read 25 books and earn the reading patch of your choice. Patches are on display at the library with more on order.

Friday night is paint night at the library. We’ll have a full house for The Art Sherpa’s “Fluffy Squirrel”. Our results will be posted on our website, legionmemoriallibrary.org.

Asahi Nordic Exercise continues at the Mellen Library & Senior Center through the month of November on Wednesday afternoons at 4pm. Come and join us for this gentle exercise.  Movements are completed while standing but may also be done while sitting.  Which is ever more comfortable for each individual. Breathing, stretching, and balance are the focus. All ages welcome.

The Library Board of Trustees will meet on Tuesday, October 29th at 5:05pm at the Library.

Hope to see you at the library soon!