Friends Meeting October 3rd

One-Eyed Purple Monster Take & Make Craft

One-Eyed Purple Monster Take & Make Craft

The Friends of the Library will meet on Thursday, October 3rd at 5pm.  Come join us!  Yearly membership dues are $10 per person or you may choose a Lifetime membership for $100.  The Friends host the 4th of July Bellringer Run, a raffle and used book sales.  They help with landscaping and watering planters.  They help with programming by making refreshments, set-up & clean-up, and craft project preparations.  And they host our ever popular frog jump.  Through their fundraising efforts they along with help from the Mellen Lions Club paid for the new flooring in the library and new back door to The Friends Place.  You may have noticed our library and building signs were removed for a bit.  The Friends of the Library had them repainted and repaired. And there are a few other projects underway.  Our current officers are: Kay Reader, President; Ruth Brennan, Vice President; Marcy Henri, Secretary; and Cheryl Hamm, Treasurer.Stop by the library and enjoy viewing the Penokee Mountains from The Friends Place. The Mellen Beautification Committee has added some cute wooden pumpkins and scarecrows to The Friends Place.  Many visitors and locals have all commented on how great the City looks this year.  We sure do appreciate all your work.

We have a few more Take & Make dog projects left and October’s project is a one-eyed purple clothespin monster. Stop by and pick-up a craft and some fun full or Halloween stories to share.  There are many to choose from.  Some are on display or the kids may enjoy doing a search for Halloween themed books.  There’s a black cat sticker on the spine and they are spread throughout the children’s room.

New books will be added this week:  Bad Liar by Tami Hoag, The Banned Books Club by Brenda Novak, Legacy of Blood by Heather Graham, The Forest of Lost Souls by Dean Koontz, An Eye for an Eye by Jeffrey Archer, The Night We Lost Him by Laura Dave, Westfallen by Ann & Ben Brashares, When We Flew Away – A Novel of Anne Frank Before the Diary by Alice Hoffman, The Color of Home by Kit Tosello, Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks, We Solve Murders by Richard Osman, Santa’s Secret by Fern Michaels, and Her Christmas Secret by Gabrielle Meyer.

Asahi Nordic Exercise will take place on Wednesday afternoons at 4pm through November.  Join us for these gentle stretching, strengthening, and breathing exercises with our instructor, Naomi Kauppi,  These exercises are done standing but may be altered for completion in a chair.  So there’s no need to bring a mat or worry about getting up and down from the ground.  Come and give it a try to see if it would be a good fit for you.