Four Day Quarantine 7/29/2020
Results from a study* of the COVID-19 virus on library materials has resulted in a longer quarantine for items returned to the library. This means everything placed in the outdoor book drop at our library, will now be in quarantine for 96 hours (4 days). As always, Mellen PL does not charge fines. Once items have been quarantined they are checked back in. If items returned become overdue or billed while in quarantine, your patron record is cleared upon our checking in process. If you would like the library to renew items, we are happy to do so. To help the process along, we have purchased extra quarantine bins to enable us to empty the Book Drop 5 days a week. *The study was completed by Battelle Labs and results were released July 21st.
You are welcome to join Legion Memorial Library’s Facebook Group, “Summer Reading 2020”. Send a request to join and you’ll gain access to videos and posts by Page Turner Adventures.
Summer Reading Prizes are sponsored by the Friends of the Library. $50, $25, and $15 x the three groups: 5th Grade & Under, 6th-12th Grade, and Adults. The deadline for recording points is Monday, August 31st. The drawing will be held at the next Friends meeting on September 3rd. You may record reading points by phone: 715-274-8331, email: [email protected] or Book Drop. Share name(s) age(s) or age group(s) and number of points when calling by phone, email, or placing information in the Book Drop. Points count when reading library books or books from home in any format.