February 6 – WI Tax Forms are Here

An audio education program about Brain Health and Nutrition is being offered at the Library.  The Highbridge Community Homemakers will be our hosts.  It will begin Monday, February 18th at 12:30 PM.  It will continue on March 4th & 18th and April 1st.  Audio presentations will begin at 12:30 PM and are about an hour in length.  All are welcome to join us in learning more about how to better our health.

Wisconsin Tax forms have arrived including the Wisconsin Homestead Credit forms.  Please note we received the following announcement with our shipment:  “Tax Forms 1A & WI-Z Discontinued.  Beginning with the 2018 tax year, all Wisconsin residents will use Form 1.  Wisconsin forms 1A and WI-Z were eliminated to match the elimination of federal forms 1040A and 1040EZ.  To see how this change may affect you, visit:  revenue.wi.gov/individuals”.

The Friends of the Library will meet Thursday, February 7th at 5 PM at the Library.  Join us and we plan events for 2019.

Monday Movie on February 11th at noon is, “South Side with You.  This movie is rated PG-13 and is 84 minutes long.  It is a docudrama about Michelle Robinson and Barack Obama’s first date in 1989.  Stop by and enjoy this movie with us.  Popcorn will be served and maybe a few additional Valentine treats.

Both Book Clubs will meet next week.  Monday the 11th at 6 PM, they’ll discuss, “Love and Other Consolation Prizes” by Jamie Ford and Wednesday the 13th at Noon, they’ll discuss, “The Music Shop” by Rachel Joyce.