Curbside Pickup Monday-Friday by Appointment 7/8/2020

Last week we reached just over 100 Curbside Pickups!  We invite you to call, email or place your own holds to pickup.  The Library’s phone number is 715-274-8331 and you may email, [email protected].  Be sure to share your name, phone number and the titles of the items you’re looking for.  Please do leave a message when calling.
All returns may be placed in the outdoor book drop.  After everything is removed, it is quarantined for 72 hours.  Thank you for helping us in following this best practice.
While the library doors have been closed, we’ve been busy cleaning, rearranging, and catching up on many odds and ends that have been put on the back burner for far too long.  We’re going through our collection and pulling items that haven’t been checked out for quite some time (years) to make room for new materials.  Those pulled items will be added to our “Friends Book Sale”.
We’ve updated our DVD collection and have been adding ‘combos’, cases that contain both the DVD and Blu-ray editions of movies.  Children’s DVDs have been gathered and placed near their space.  The Adult DVDs have been rearranged in sections for combos, TV series, non-fiction, and all others are arranged alphabetically by title.  Early in the year, prior to our closing, Kay and Ken Reader donated   boards cut to size, to place at the back of each shelf to keep the DVDs neat and organized.  Those are all now in place.
We appreciate all your support during this time.  Please check our Legion Memorial Library Facebook page and website, for additional information and online options for library services.  Please remember that you may use the phone to contact us to help you with your books, audio books on CD, DVDs and magazine selections.  You are encouraged to leave a message, as we gather books for others or are providing curbside, we may not be able to answer the phone in person.
Hope to see you Curbside soon!