Asahi Nordic Exercise through May
The Friends of the Library initiated a grant for monies to pay for our Asahi Nordic Exercise instructor to travel from Bessemer to teach our class here in Mellen. The grant monies from Tamarack Health Ashland Medical Center were awarded and received. We will be able to continue our weekly exercise classes with Naomi Kauppi, through the month of May. Classes are held at the Mellen Library & Senior Center on Wednesdays at 4pm. Join us for this routine of gentle stretching, balance, and wellness training. A donation from participants for Naomi’s time and knowledge is appreciated.
Thanks to the Friends of the Library, we have a Keurig station available for those wishing to have a cup of coffee. Donations are welcome to offset the purchase of coffee in the future.
More Library Love Stories for the NWLN February Drawing: Starr Thewis didn’t win the $50 Visa card but did win the Mellen Library’s drawing of Gabriele’s German Cookies & Chocolates! Starr shares, “I love the library because there are fun crafts and things to do. I also love reading new books.” Thanks for sharing your story, Starr. In fact, this month’s Take & Make craft is a cute little bunny. Stop by the library and pick-up a craft and choose from a nice variety of Spring books to share with the little one in your life.
Check out our Used Book Sale. It’s a great deal. Fill a bag for a dollar. There are books, books in large print, books on CD, and DVDs available to fill your bag. These are the perfect items to add to your personal collection, take with you while on vacation, or to add to a home away from home collection.
Please note the Library will be closed on Friday, March 29th but will be open on Saturday March 30th 9am-noon.
The Friends of the Library will meet Thursday, April 4 at 5pm at the Library.
Hope you have a great week and that we see you soon at the Library.