April 29 – Online Services

Online is still the best way for us to offer services at this time.  From the Library’s website, legionmemoriallibrary.org you can access a variety of great resources.  If  you’re looking for the order of a particular series, under the ‘FIND BOOKS’ tab scroll down to ‘NoveList’.  NoveList also offers recommendations in a variety of ways.   If you’re looking for downloadable ebooks, downloadable audio books and BadgerLink they’re all under the ‘DIGITAL LIBRARY’ tab.
I have enlisted help from my family to make instructional videos for our library facebook page.  These will be added in the hope of helping to help navigate these online resources.
I’ll be updating the calendar on the library’s website this week.  Check here for what more will be offered in the month of May.  I’ll also update you here in next week’s Mellen Weekly Record.

Online Library School Storytime continues at 10 AM, Monday, Wednesday & Friday found on the Facebook site, Legion Memorial Library.

Paint & Post – Visit the the following YouTube artist’s presentations, follow along and then post your results on the Library’s Facebook page.  You may do this by sending a picture to [email protected] or to Legion Memorial Library on messenger.
Here are the addresses for the April paintings:
Incredibly Easy Beginner Tree by The Art Sherpa, Cinnamon Cooney, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz3Ao85BNSU&feature=emb_logo
Easy Baby Bunny in Clover by The Art Sherpa, Cinnamon Cooney, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKgGOId675A
May paintings:
Lilacs Cotton Swab Painting by The Art Sherpa, Cinnamon Cooney,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sezMYeE364E
Spring Flowers Step-by-Step by Painting with Jane, Jane Font, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keOU9Ib0Szo
If you need WiFi service, the library’s is on all the time.  There is no password and you can access it from the library’s parking lot.
The bulbs planted last fall in front of the library on the top of the hill continue to add blooms.  If you’re out walking, be sure to take check them out.
Wishes for peace and health to you from me.