Thank you, Nicki Lazorik!
It is with great gratitude and appreciation of the Friends of the Library that Nicki Lazorik served as our Bellringer Run Race Director since 2019. She has worked diligently to document her work. She has done this to help the next race director in getting a jumpstart. Nicki has the ‘Bellringer in a box’ and she is ready to pass the torch. It is with regret that we have accepted her resignation. If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact Friends President, Kay Reader, or leave a message at the Library. Thank you for considering taking on this responsibility. This is not only a fundraiser for the Friends of the Library, but an annual community event during our 4th of July Hometown Celebration.
The Friends of the Library are sponsoring the Summer Reading Challenge. There are four age brackets in the Challenge. The person in each bracket with the most reading points will receive a $50 Barnes & Noble Gift Card. There’s a second opportunity to win through a drawing. For each 25 reading points earned, your name is entered in the drawing. Children may also collect Reading Patches. 25 reading points = a patch. This is a year-round program and so is the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten. Start any time. Find out more by asking at the library.
Upcoming Library Programs:
Thursday, August 10th at 5pm, Friends Meeting
Friday, August 11th at 12:30pm, Tweens & Teens, Painting Circle Flowers
Friday, August 11th at 6:30pm, Adults, Sunflower Bumblebee Painting with Angela Anderson
Monday, August 14th at 6pm, Destination Book Club at Sunshine’s Agriculture Farm Experience to discuss, “Sunflower Sisters” by Martha Hall Kelly
Friday, August 25th at Noon is the last day to record Summer Reading Points
Saturday, August 26th Outdoor Movie with Summer Reading Awards & Drawing at 7:30pm
Stop by anytime and enjoy The Friends Place. A beautiful spot to recharge while enjoying the view of the Penokees. The Friends sponsor a Little Free Library at Gilman Park. Take a book. Share a book.
Hope to see you soon at the Library!