National Library Week is April 7-13
Thank you to Tana Turonie for sharing her Library Love Story: “My public library offers me access to so many resources beyond just books. Those resources entertain, inform, and inspire me just like the library’s motto says.” Come find resources to motivate you. Why not visit the library next week and celebrate National Library Week with us. Stop by to enter a drawing, pick-up the April Take & Make project, and checkout our used Book Sale. New items are being added weekly to the book sale as we continue our move and weeding process to make more room for our expanding large print collection.
Asahi Nordic Exercise classes continue through the month of May on Wednesday afternoons at 4pm. New and returning members’ welcome. No mats needed; all exercises are completed while standing. Wear comfortable clothing and join us for a routine of gentle stretching, balance, and wellness training.
Monday night, April 8th at 6pm our evening book club will meet to discuss, “Firekeeper’s Daughter” by Angeline Boulley. The author will be in our area later this month at Gogebic Community College’s Lindquist Center.
The Friends of the Library will meet on Thursday, April 4th at 5pm.
Hope to see you soon at the library.