Join Book Club

The Morning Book Club will meet on Tuesday, November 21 at 9am to discuss, “Earth’s the Right Place for Love” by Elizabeth Berg.  If you would like to join us, let us know at the library.  We order books through inter-library loan, so there is no need to purchase books.  Our next book is “This Time Together, Laughter and Reflection” by Carol Burnett and we’ll meet to discuss it on December 19 at 9am. Does anyone remember watching The Carol Burnett Show?

The library will be closed on Thursday & Friday, November 23 & 24 for a Thanksgiving break but we will be open on Saturday, November 25, 9am-noon. We will be decorating the Friends Place on November 25 at 9am if you’d like to join us.  We will need help with our gingerbread fence sitters and picture hanging canvas on the pavilion.  We’ll be adding a tree this year and will be inviting people to decorate a tree cookie to add as decoration.  We’ll be sending out invitations to the Claus’s again and hope that they will join us for a visit in December.  Stay tuned for day & time.

Sometime in December we will be getting our flooring replaced.  We’ll let you know asap because we’ll be shut down for a few days and you’ll want to stock up on your reading materials.  We’ll have a fresh new look for 2024 thanks to our Friends of the Library and help from the Mellen Lions Club.

Don’t forget about our Friends of the Library Book Sale.  We have many books, books on CD, and DVDs to choose from.  It’s ‘Fill a bag for $1’.  Because we have full shelves currently and are trying to prepare for new flooring, we are not accepting any donations at this time.  We thank you for thinking of us and will let you know when we have room for your donations once again.